Christine has been with Bridgehaven since: November 2016
Background: I have taught piano lessons for twelve years and have really enjoyed working with people, growing my studio, working with money figures, and hosting events. I felt that this experience would be a great transition into Treasures and continuing to work with people and manage a business.
Life at home: I live in Mt. Vernon and I am living the life that God knows is the best for me right now. I have four brothers, two sisters, and LOVE being an Aunt! My nephews and nieces are incredible blessings to me and fill me up with so much joy and laughter.
To me, Cedar Rapids is: Ducks and day-old bread… My grandpa took me and my siblings to Ellis Park all the time when we were young. We would fill up our little hands with bread and then throw it to the ducks and watch them dive for a piece and they would even come close to us! Super special memories of being with my grandpa, and he made me feel so loved.
Why I’m passionate about what I do: I tell people my job is a unique blend of work and ministry! Everything that I do in my day is geared toward making a difference in this life, the life afterward, and in the life of someone else. Because we are partnered with Bridgehaven, we are more than just a thrift store. We are a resale shop with a purpose and a mission directed to giving people hope, love, grace, and a fresh life with new beginnings.
Bridgehaven Pregnancy Support Center
4250 Glass Road NE, Suite 100
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Serving Cedar Rapids, Marion, North Liberty and surrounding communities
Closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Bridgehaven is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
EIN 42-1203675