We know that losing a child during pregnancy or infancy is an incredibly painful time.
We are here for you.
Bridgehaven’s Take Heart perinatal hospice program provides a safe and compassionate environment following a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis that will result in death prior to or shortly after birth.
Here’s how Bridgehaven can walk alongside you during this season:
Provide time and space to talk
- Meet with someone who has walked a similar journey and can share in your grief in a unique way
Offer opportunities to connect with your child
- Depending on your circumstances, you may want ultrasounds to interact with your baby
Connect you with resources to help with grief and closure
- Information on local support organizations
- Funeral Home/Bereavement information
- Financial support for funeral expenses
- Support materials
Help you memorialize and create lasting memories of your child
- Memory books and gifts
We also host an annual memorial service open to all families who have lost a child. This is a time to honor, grieve, remember, and celebrate their life. If you would like to learn more, please fill out the interest form below, call us at (319) 364-8967 or email Haley Brimmer, Director of Client Advocacy, at haley@bridgehavencr.org.