In today’s world, you have choices for an unplanned pregnancy. For most people, that sounds quick, simple, and logical. But to those facing an unplanned pregnancy, it lacks compassion, hope, and help. Bridgehaven understands the weight of these choices and is prepared to offer the support and education you need to begin this journey.
The first step is to confirm your pregnancy. We recommend you set up an appointment at Bridgehaven as soon as possible to discuss your options, take a pregnancy test, and move forward with an ultrasound to gather all the information you will need. We know how scary and complex this time can be, and our staff of client advocates is here to help you explore your unique situation. You are not alone.
The blog will give you a bit of information on the three options you might be considering.
For some, this may seem like a natural next step after finding out you’re pregnant; for others, it might be a terrifying thought. No matter where you lie on this spectrum, parenting is a journey in itself. One that is beautifully challenging. Bridgehaven is here to help with our Earn While You Learn program.
Learning you will become a parent might feel surreal, and you might believe you’re not equipped for this. Our Earn While You Learn program can help you develop skills and prepare you for parenting. In addition, when you attend class each week, food and clothing resources are available to help you through this life adjustment.
There may be pressure around the idea of choosing abortion for your unplanned pregnancy. Pressures from within yourself or from others can feel confusing and conflicting. It is essential to understand the facts before deciding.
Medication Abortion (The Abortion Pill) vs. Surgical Abortion
You have two potential abortion options, depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy. First is medication abortion, also known as the abortion pill. There are two abortion drugs used in the process: Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Each drug works to terminate an existing pregnancy. Medication abortion is only for women ten weeks pregnant or earlier.
Surgical abortion is a more invasive abortion procedure and works to remove a pregnancy surgically. This type of abortion includes dilating the cervix and using a suction device to remove the pregnancy. There are different types of surgical abortions, depending on how far along you are.
The Risks of Abortion
According to the Mayo Clinic, potential medication abortion risks include infection, incomplete abortion, fever, digestive discomfort, heavy/prolonged bleeding, and a potential ongoing unwanted pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work.
According to MedlinePlus, potential surgical abortion risks include damage to the womb or cervix, uterine perforation, excessive bleeding, infection of the uterus or fallopian tubes, scarring of the inside of the uterus, and more.
Please note that Bridgehaven does not offer or refer for abortion services. Information is provided as an educational service and should not be relied on as a substitute for professional and /or medical advice.
Many women have a hard time considering this option for their unborn child. Adoption is a brave and loving decision. However, it is one that can be fulfilling for the birth-mother, birth-father, child, and adoptive parents.
Today, adoption gives the birth mom much more control over the adoption process than 20 years ago. You get to choose whether you want an open, closed, or semi-open adoption. Each adoption type differs depending on how close a relationship you want with your child and the adoptive parents. The choice is ultimately up to you.
Choosing the Family
Finding a family that’s a good fit is of top concern for most women looking into adoption – and for good reason. There are extensive screening and background checks that adoptive families go through before becoming eligible for adoption. When matching you with a potential adoptive family, you will get to see things like pictures, family details, hobbies, religion, and more.
Learn More About Your Options
While we can’t make the tough decisions for you, our non-judgmental team can help you navigate the pressures that come with an unplanned pregnancy. With our caring staff of client advocates, you are the most important person in the room, and we strive to offer hope and help to you during this time.
We are here to help you pace your hurried thoughts, settle your heart, and allow you space and time to think about your next steps. Reach out to us with your questions about parenting, abortion, and adoption.
We invite you to schedule your free and confidential appointment today to learn more. We can help you sort through all the unique details of your situation.